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PCT 2015 Day 92: Slack Packing Downhill

  • Start: 1,502.3
  • End: 1,526.9
  • Miles: 24.6
  • Camp: Mount Shasta

Today’s slackpack was relaxed and fun. Emory drove us to the Gumboot Lake car park early and we were on the trail by 8am. Despite the early hour, it was hot and still hazy with smoke. 

We hiked towards Castle Crags, which we’d approached from the south two days ago. It was barely visible through the smoke at times, but we were able to get the occasional glimpse of the rocky promontories and needles piercing the sky.

It was fun seeing the northbound bubble too. We passed several people who will be within a couple of miles of us when we go back to Gumboot Lake tomorrow. Thinmint and Jaywalk will probably be ahead, as we saw them quite early, but All Right and Skyline should be pretty close. 

Towards the end of the day, we called JoAnn. She had been contacted by the hikers she had given first refusal to earlier and told us she couldn’t host us tonight but that she would still come to the trailhead and pick us up, let us collect our pack contents and then take us to Mount Shasta, which was super generous of her.

Once in Mount Shasta, we sat in the Black Bear Diner where we had plenty of time to plan Oregon resupply. Tomorrow morning we can catch a ride to Gumboot trailhead with Firecracker and Big Fish who also slackpacked today, but they aren’t leaving too early so I get to lie in!

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