PCT 2015 Day 67: Inclemencies

- Start: 1,026.0
- End: 1,046.8
- Miles: 20.8
- Camp: Almost at Ebbetts Pass
Whilst it didn’t quite rain all night, it was close and we awoke to soaked tents and clothes that hadn’t managed to dry out. We put on wet shoes and socks, damp rain jackets and soaked gloves. It was less than 10 minutes after leaving camp that it started to rain again. As we climbed up the hill, the rain came down harder and then changed to hail whilst the thunder started up again overhead.
The good thing about hiking through storms is that you take fewer breaks and therefore hike further. The bad thing is that you take fewer breaks and therefore eat and drink less and get more cranky as the day goes on. The climb had warmed me up so I wasn’t feeling too bad, but the guys were not quite so happy about being wet with no prospect of drying out. Thankfully just before noon, the rain let up and we saw patches of blue sky across the valley. We took advantage of the intermittent sunshine to dry the tents and eat some food.

Unfortunately it was short lived. The rain came down harder than ever just 45 minutes later. We could see nothing of our surroundings as we hiked up the largest of the day’s climbs above Noble Lake. I’m sure it was beautiful though.
By the end of the day, the flood run-off had swelled all of the creeks and seasonal streams as well as starting new paths down the mountain. A creek crossing which should have been simple was a raging torrent which we had to wade knee-deep through without getting swept over the edge of the cascade. This is July in California! With soaked shoes and trousers we made camp again in the rain, hoping for a dry night.
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