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PCT 2015 Day 100: Oregon!

  • Start: 1,690.0
  • End: 1,711.1
  • Miles: 21.1
  • Camp: Mt Ashland Campground

Oh, and mile 1700! See, nobody cares. The Oregon border is what counts!

I slept so well last night. It was as if California was sending me off with the best it could provide. After a fairly relaxed breakfast we had some nice stops in the first couple of miles. The first was a broken down cabin and outhouse (which even had toilet paper!) and the second was…the California/Oregon border! So exciting to see a new state! Wu-Teng and Dude were already there and began to applaud as we approached the state line marker. I signed the trail register and said goodbye to California!

Unfortunately the first few miles of Oregon were densely forested and I wonder if that is a sign of things to come. At least it means fast hiking and efficient mileage.

Eventually we had views over to Mount Shasta, and I was reminded of the Lonely Mountain of Middle Earth. I’ve also seen a lot of the Misty Mountains in recent days, so where’s Mount Doom? I have no doubt that Washington will provide.

We walked up to the Mount Ashland campground for the evening where we had pit toilets and fire rings and made a campfire. It is rare that I get the opportunity, given the wildfire risks here, but a designated fire ring is permitted. There are quite a few people up here this evening, but none appear to be thru-hikers, and we’ve been largely left alone. Oregon is turning out nicely so far.

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