PCT 2015 Day 88: Slow Going

- Start: 1,428.9
- End: 1,452.5
- Miles: 23.6
- Camp: Summit Lake Road
Today never really got going. I was slow and the day dragged on and on. I was digestively challenged which didn’t help and the terrain was disappointingly roller coastery which felt hard in the heat.
By 11am we had made it only 9 miles, and Nell and Beowolf, who we had passed earlier in the day whilst they were still at camp, caught up with us at Clark Spring. Again the water provided a gathering point, and Firecracker, Big Fish, and Felix all showed up whilst we rested.
To distract myself from the day, I listened to several “Stuff You Should Know” podcasts. Today I covered tea, racial profiling, circus families, junk food, Egyptian pyramids, and cellular regeneration. Unfortunately I’m now out of podcasts, so who knows how tomorrow is going to go.
After what seemed like an age, we stopped again for lunch in the shade at the top of a climb. Our pre-cooked chicken nuggets caused food envy.
I felt a little better as the temperature dropped towards evening, and we made good time on the climb up to our campsite for the night. We chose a spot on the top of a ridge hoping the breeze would make the night cooler. It’s certainly cooler than last night. We can see lights from what must be Big Bend in the distance as well as red lights on the wind turbines. Weirdly like the desert again.
And Shasta is getting closer every day. 50 miles left til a zero day. Bring it on.

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