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PCT 2015 Day 48: A Much Better Zero

  • Start: 789.1
  • End: 789.1
  • Miles: 0
  • Camp: Hostel California, Bishop

Today was a big improvement. A chance to capitalise on the American portion sizes at breakfast and lunch. We checked out Schat’s bakery, and took the bikes up to the KFC in the evening. It’s odd riding around town on a bike in my loaner cutoffs and a Hostel California t-shirt. I feel like a mobile billboard. 

The resupply attempt was not hugely successful yesterday so we had to organise properly today, but we did have time to call in at the library, where I sat with The Night Circus for an hour, as well as checking out Pixar’s latest offering, Inside Out. I liked it a lot, and will probably see it again if nothing better comes out before my next zero day. Bishop is a good town for a zero. A slight hippy vibe, with some excellent coffee shops, a bookstore with ice cream, and artisan craft stores mixed in with a plethora of outdoor gear stores. I’m glad I got chance to enjoy it instead of just being ill here for a day then heading out. That’s for tomorrow. Shuttle at 9am.

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